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Giacomo Scalzi

Giacomo Scalzi

Social Media Strategist and E-commerce Manager

Giacomo is responsible for managing the DiamonDiamonD website, dealing with the creation and development of the e-commerce platform, as well as online communication strategies. Working closely with the team, he has created an innovative and ironic social communication format to spread the word gemology and its more technical aspects in an accessible and engaging way.

With a practical and collaborative approach, Giacomo takes care of every detail of the brand's marketing campaigns and digital presence, ensuring an intuitive and engaging online experience for users. Today he is dedicated to constantly improving the brand's visibility, integrating creativity and digital strategies effective

Giacomo Scalzi

Giacomo Scalzi

Comment (1)

Ho conosciuto il metodo di lavoro di questo ragazzo ed è affascinante. Complimenti il sito è ben fatto. Continua così!!


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